Music and Fictive Dream: Sander Sides

 "Sanders Sides is a web series starring Thomas Sanders and written by Sanders and Joan S. On the series, Thomas projects the different aspects of his personality into four main characters called the Sanders Sides. With them, Thomas has conversations where he analyses the various inner conflicts or dilemmas he goes through in his life and tries to find solutions for them" Wikipedia

The four main sides include: Logic, Creativity, Morality and Anxiety. The first episode was uploaded to YouTube on October 19, 2016 and is still in production.

The song I am going to be looking at comes from the episode called: "Learning New Things About Ourselves" which came out October 29, 2018

 Summary of the Episode:

"Thomas had a conversation with a friend some days ago that made him feel iffy. When his friend asked him what he did for a living, he answered he did YouTube. His friend asked a question that Thomas had been asked several times before; what he 'really' did for a living, like a 'real' job. For some reason, this time it stuck with him. Thomas hasn't stopped feeling bad ever since, and he doesn't even know the reason why. He feels even guiltier because he thinks he should feel blessed for everything his job gives him. The Sides decide to help him work out this issue and discover what's wrong. They think about how Thomas used to learn and discover things in the past, and Patton has the idea that, as a child, Thomas learned new things by playing with puppets or watching puppet shows. So the Sides turn into puppets to help Thomas.

Note: This episode features the original song "Incomplete" with music and lyrics by Joan S. According to Thomas Sanders in a live stream, this is the episode that prompted the organization of the Streamy Awards 2019 to give a nomination for best writing to Sanders' YouTube channel. The nomination also included Adri White, Quil Cauchon and AJ Hentges as nominees alongside Thomas and Joan."

During the episodes all the sides start arguing  about who's fault it is that Thomas is feeling bad. To try and sort through it they decide to start singing. Which is when they start singing Incomplete a song written for this episode by Thomas's friend Joan S. However, the logical side thinks that the song is is silly and that it is the groups way of avoiding the issue at hand.  

So, you've gone and called someone stupid
And, in response, they've damaged your eye
But there is where the conflict must end
Lest you both end up blind
(This part of the song is just a bit of an intro. This part is sung by the creative side. In this episode creativity called Logic stupid. Logic got mad and threw a piece of paper and hit him in the eyes. )
Sometimes the problems at play
Are not all plain to see
So we lash out at our loved ones
Disregarding our bond sanctity
(This is still sung by Creativity he is talking about how sometimes we might have a problem that's making us feel bad but we don't know what it is and that can be frustrating and can cause us to lash out.)
There are several sides
To us that may seem abstract at first
Until we discover where everything fits, and
People can be like a half-missing puzzle set;
As we find the pieces
Things make more and more sense!
(This is Thomas's Morality singing. He is known for his love of puns. The first line he is making a pun about himself and the other sides and how they are kinda confusing sometimes. The puzzle metaphor is him referring back to earlier in this episode Thomas said he feels like his problem is like a huge puzzle and how he would usually start with a side piece but the mre he looks for a side piece the more lost he feels. )
Nice imagery but I don't think I follow
(Thomas is still lost.) 
Well let me give you an example
I had this problem where I'd
Often hide my less-than-awesome feelings
So when I would feel like sobbing, I'd just smile and crack jokes!
I thought that that was coping, only joking
Never showing sadness
Hoping it would go away!
(This Morality singing about previous things we learned about his character in passed episodes how he used to hide his feelings because he thought that was a good copping method so that the sadness would just go away.)
Did that work?
(Logic asking Morality)
(He says this so cheerily he knows it didn't wok and he knows that now so he can move past it.)
 I felt bad!
Aw, Pat...
It's okay
How's that?
Everybody gets sad
Even dads that have people to care for
And therefore
You don't have to hide your pain
Life without rainy days
Is incomplete
(Morality sees himeself as the dad of the group. That he has to look out for everyone else. So here he is saying that even dads can get sad too and that's okay. People get sad that's a part of life. If you don't have you lows then you can't have your highs either. 
On the subject of storm clouds...
'Cause, you know. You need. Storm clouds to make. Rain
I'm just gonna get into it
You once knew me as real gloomy
This weird spooky, broody dude
'Cause I knew you'd listen to me
As too scary to ignore
I thought that I could take it
All the hate could just be shaken
But when you lo— care for someone
Not much hurts more than their scorn

(Anxiety is singing here. He used to believe that in order to get the group to listen to him he had to play the role of the bad guy. He felt like as long as he got his job done it didn't matter ow the rest of the group saw him. But, overtime it really wore on him that the people he loved and cared for hated him so much.  
I also felt bad
Oh come now...
In a different way...
Different how?
By bad I mean, well, mean
But I did what I thought I had to
Which is bad too!
I don't have to act all tough...
Sometimes love is enough...
For what we need!
(He felt bad for being mean to the people he truly did care about, but he has realized he doesn't have to play the role of the villain. 
That was a quaint little review
Of things that we already knew
Now, can our discourse resume?
There's pressing matters at hand
(Logic is done with the other sides "silliness" and wants to get back to the issues they were talking about before they all decided to break out into some ridiculous song.)
Actually, that was for your benefit
(Thomas sounds so frustrated with Logic in this one line. I feel like Thomas gets mad at Logan for undermining all the emotions the other two just poured out. It doesn't matter that its a reveiw of things they already know. They are expressing themselves in order to help better explain things for both Thomas' and Logic's benefit."  
I don't see how that could be relevant
Logan, please
Our goal's benevolent
You know me; I don't care for sentiment
(Once again Logic misses the point and sticks to what he thinks is going on)
This just serves as testament                          This just serves as testament
To the fact that, to me, you're negligent         To the fact that you have a temperament
Which is fine!                                                 Which is fine!
It just works to your detriment.
                      You just haven't accepted it.
You not letting me finish is proving my--      If you'd let them finish, they'd get to the--
(This really shows how much Logic isn't listening. He literally talks over Thomas, who is just trying to get him to understand what the others are saying. At the same time Logic is often ignored by the group so he feels he is never listened to. This is an example of Thomas not listening to Logic just as much as Logic isn't Listening to the others.)

You're lost
I'm right here
(Logic tends to take everything literally so when he says he is right there he is missing what anxiety is saying.)
It's okay
You're acting weird...
I was lost once, too
But thanks to all of you
Life sucks less, now...
(I think Anxiety is trying to say that he used to strugggle like Logic is now, but it was thanks to the other sides he was able to better understand himself.)
We're your best pals!
No-one wants to be a joke...
But a life free of jokes
Is incomplete!
(They want Logan to know that even if they don't always all agree they are still his friend and Anxiety says that Logic isn't a joke, and the others are saying that you do have have some silliness in your life otherwise it would be incomplete.)
Guys do you mind if I contribute to this weird, vent-ey song!
Please, do!
I've got an issue
That feels new-school;
I don't wanna say I'm too cool
But I'm just too fab for you fools
And I feel like you don't get me!
(Creativity is also Thomas's hopes, dreams, and ego. He is overly dramtic and flamboyant. However, this line illustrates how he often doesn't feel listened to in his own way. )
You insulted us, while venting?
It's alright, Princey
Honestly, it didn't hurt me
It's clear you're the one that's hurting
You feel low
That's not true!
It's okay
Don't assume!
You don't need to save face
In almost any case
We embrace you
(Creativity is putting on a fasade to make it seem like he doesn't really feel bad. He has his issues but he thinks that he can't show it. He is Thomas's hopes and dreams. If he is feeling like he isn't good enough, what doesthat say about Thomas?
That's rich
(This line makes me feel like Creativity truly feels like the other sides aren't really on his side. He doesn't believe what they are telling him)
No one hates you
(You can't see in the lyric video, but this line really hits Creativity. It is sang by Anxiety who at the beginning of the series he Creativity tormented and belittled because Anxiety was always getting in Thomas's way of pursuing his dreams. However, Anxiety is saying that no one hates Creativity. I think in this moment Creativity can't understand how someone he treated so poorly can actually care for him and not hate him. 
Everybody's got flaws
But with no you at all
I'm incomplete
(This applies to all of the sides. They all have their flaws but they are all part of Thomas's personality and without them he wouldn't be Thomas. 
Now you see!
Everybody goes wrong
And we put it in song
So it's easier
To hear it!
This puzzle's tough
I'll admit
But in time
We'll find where everything fits
(Everyone struggles with things at one time or another, but its okay with time you can work to figure yourself out and get a better understanding of why you feel a certain way. Its not easy, but you can get there. 
This song is different then the other songs I have looked at over the semester. I actually was going to avoid it because of the way it is set up despite it being from my favorite series. It is odd almost like a musical in the way it starts singing and telling a story while sometimes the characters are speaking rather than singing. It also takes weird detours and doesn't make much sense if you don't know the context. I have had several confused car rides with my mom because of playing this song and her not having the story to go behind it.It is also longer than the other songs I have analyzed. 
I know that the creators were trying to go with a bit of a Sesame Street kinda of tune to the background music because they were all transformed into puppets. They keep this fairly upbeat tune until they get to Logic's part which I assume is like the bridge of the song. This part the trumpets cut out and we are left with some low piano keys that leave the feeling of unease.The notes get faster and faster as the two argue.before it suddenly stops when anxiety interrupts.. The piano slows down and become soft and gentle.  The sound reminds me of the piano herd in Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood  I also here what sounds like a base guitar playing. This part of the song is gentle and reminds of someone comforting someone who is really distraught. Afterwards the song picks back up to how it was in in the beginning. Until the ending where we leave off on a happy trumpet before Morality calms the song down as it fades away.
I don't know if it's just me, but I genuinely forget that this is just one person singing. Thomas is able to change his mannerisms and his vocal tone so well  that I have a hard time recognizing that they are only one person. Mortality's voice is upbeat and cheery, Anxiety's voice is deeper and gravely compared to the rest. Creativity's voice is regal and has a air of superiority to it. Logic's voice is deep yet smooth unlike anxiety, and Character Thomas is and amazing combination of all four.   
This is actually not even my favorite song of this series. While it is still really good and fun to listen to, I just picked it because it was a good way to showcase all these amazing characters. My favorite song also features a newer character who is pretty vulgar and not always the most appropriate so I thought it may not be the best idea to use for a school project. It also can have some kinda upsetting subject matter. If you want to listen to it, it is called Forbidden Fruit.
 I do love this song and listen to it all the time. I highly recommend the show and Thomas Sanders other content.

“List of Sanders Sides Episodes.” Wikipedia, 22 Oct. 2021, Accessed 25 Nov. 2021.

“Sanders Sides (TV Series 2016– ) - IMDb.”, Accessed 25 Nov. 2021.

“Side.” Sanders Sides Wiki, Accessed 25 Nov. 2021.

“Thomas Sanders - Incomplete Lyrics |”, Accessed 25 Nov. 2021.


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